The Cleaner
from september 21, 2018
to january 20, 2019
to january 20, 2019
at the Mercato
Centrale Firenze
Centrale Firenze
by Marina Abramović

The Mercato Centrale’s DNA is about more than just food. The Mercato is a piazza that lives on activities, where you can breathe in the life of the city and its events. This cultural patrimony is made of art, music, science and innovations, a wealth waiting to be discovered and rediscovered, open to interaction and admiration. This is why the Mercato Centrale has chosen to build rapports over the years with Florentine and national institutions that play a key role in the cultural development of the territory. Amongst these is the collaboration with Palazzo Strozzi, a mainstay in the Florentine and Italian art world. Established in July 2006, the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi is crucial in the promotion of expansive, international artistic events. Palazzo Strozzi is a place where Renaissance art meets modern and contemporary creations, where the rooms allow for a unique and captivating experience for all visitors, with particular attention given to families. Its repertoire includes installations, performances, concerts and theatrical productions. These events have a significant impact on the cultural life of the city and are readily supported by the Mercato Centrale through dedicated initiatives, special collaborations and site-specific installations, from Bill Viola to Marina Abramovic, Ai Weiwei to Guttuso, Fontana and Schifano. This is because at the Mercato, food is a culture and culture is fed through projects. Everything is waiting to be discovered, everything is ready to thrill you.