Radio Mercato Centrale

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Suspended Flow

Vincenzo Marsiglia
Site-specific installation for Mercato Centrale curated by Davide Sarchioni

Shapes, lights and colours are the stars of the neon work by Vincenzo Marsiglia, a site-specific installation for the Mercato Centrale Florence.

The work is designed to actively involve the public and make them the protagonist. With optical compositions, four-pointed stars and evocative phrases such as “suspended flow”, “looking up” and “light in your eyes”, it invites viewers to look up and face the stars, exploring their link with dreams and desire.

Flow of emotions, flow of people, flow of information. The light sculptures, suspended in the upper part of Mercato Centrale Firenze, express its vitality and interact with what happens below: people, interactions and encounters that bring the Mercato Centrale to life at every hour of the day.

The sculptures are made of Murano blown glass by a craftsman from the Fart-neon company. The neon, presented for the first time in Italy, is totally green, to launch a message of energy and environmental sustainability.

A sustainable energy

Through an app, the colour of the installation changes in response to movements and thanks to users’ participation. It is therefore a creation shared between the public and the artist, which was inspired by the kinetic energy produced by the movement of human beings. Suspended Flow thus invites people to get together, to aggregate and to cooperate to generate a positive, inclusive and truly sustainable energy, which will be powered 100% by renewable sources.

The light of Vincenzo Marsiglia at the Mercato Centrale

After attending the Imperia Art Institute and then the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Vincenzo Marsiglia exhibits his works in private galleries, museums and public spaces, both in Italy and abroad. The four-pointed star is its distinctive feature, a true logo that blends with different elements and materials and is linked to new technological tools.